Sno. Site’s Location DEPTH DETAILS LOGGER'S DETAIL DETAILS OF WATER AND MUD USED IN LOGGING Details of major aquifer formations explored from interpretation of Geophysical Logs
DISTRICT TEHSIL BLOCK VILLAGE Latitude longitude DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) TIME (24 hr FORMAT) DRILLING DEPTH (in mt), as reported by driller LOGGING DEPTH (in mt) Name of Person who Performed Logging Designation of Person who Performed Logging TYPE OF LOGGER USED (MAKE) TYPE OF LOG'S USED (PROBES USED) RESISTIVITY OF WATER (IN OHM-M) RESISTIVITY OF MUD (IN OHM-M) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Remark STRAINER 01 STRAINER 02 STRAINER 03 Name Designation
Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Types of Strata (Lithology) Quality of Strata (Good/ Marginal/ Poor) Expected Quality of Water of Aquifer (Good/ Marginal/ Poor/ Saline) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Types of Strata (Lithology) Quality of Strata (Good/ Marginal/ Poor) Expected Quality of Water of Aquifer (Good/ Marginal/ Poor/ Saline) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Types of Strata (Lithology) Quality of Strata (Good/ Marginal/ Poor) Expected Quality of Water of Aquifer (Good/ Marginal/ Poor/ Saline) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Types of Strata (Lithology) Quality of Strata (Good/ Marginal/ Poor) Expected Quality of Water of Aquifer (Good/ Marginal/ Poor/ Saline) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Types of Strata (Lithology) Quality of Strata (Good/ Marginal/ Poor) Expected Quality of Water of Aquifer (Good/ Marginal/ Poor/ Saline) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Types of Strata (Lithology) Quality of Strata (Good/ Marginal/ Poor) Expected Quality of Water of Aquifer (Good/ Marginal/ Poor/ Saline) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Types of Strata (Lithology) Quality of Strata (Good/ Marginal/ Poor) Expected Quality of Water of Aquifer (Good/ Marginal/ Poor/ Saline) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Types of Strata (Lithology) Quality of Strata (Good/ Marginal/ Poor) Expected Quality of Water of Aquifer (Good/ Marginal/ Poor/ Saline) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m) Depth Range (in m, below ground level) Thickness (in m)
1 Bareilly Fatehganj West Bagrau Bagrau 05-03-2024 10:55:00 121.00 121.00 36.88-48.77 12.00 70.10-91.44 22.00 100.58-106.98 4.00 41.46-47.48 6.00 71.40-89.46 18.00 101.40-105.27 4.00 Surjet Singh Assistant Engineer View
2 Bareilly Majhgawan Gainee Gainee 22-01-2015 12:10:00 133.00 133.00 53.34-76.20 23.00 Fine to Medium Sand Medium Medium 82.20-120.40 38.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 103.91-115.93 12.00 Fine to medium sand Medium Medium All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 54.27-75.41 21.00 83.27-101.35 18.00 103.91-115.93 12.00 Shehorz dost Assistant Engineer View
3 Bareilly Shergarh Dunka Dunka 28-10-2014 11:15:00 127.00 127.00 41.16-53.35 12.00 Medium Sand Good Good 66.76-87.79 21.00 Medium sand Good Good 89.93-99.98 10.00 Medium sand Good Good 102.12-111.26 9.00 Medium sand Good Good All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 42.84-51.75 9.00 67.89-86.08 18.00 104.24-107.33 3.00 Shehorz dost Assistant Engineer View
4 Bareilly Shergarh Dunka Dunka 18-10-2014 22:02:00 130.00 130.00 44.81-53.34 8.00 Medium Sand Good Good 65.53-80.77 15.00 Medium sand Good Good 86.87-108.20 21.00 Medium sand Good Good All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 45.94-51.97 6.00 67.52-79.55 12.00 88.08-106.12 18.00 Shehorz dost Assistant Engineer View
5 Bareilly Bhojipura Pachdeora Kalan Pachdeora Kalan 14-10-2014 09:12:00 119.00 119.00 43.28-50.29 7.00 Fine to Medium Sand Medium Medium 58.22-72.54 14.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 75.29-92.35 17.00 Fine to medium sand Medium Medium 93.88-118.87 25.00 fine to medium sand Medium Medium All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 59.15-71.59 12.00 76.61-91.65 15.00 95.65-102.69 7.00 Shehorz dost Assistant Engineer View
6 Bareilly Majhgawan Sisona Sisona 14-04-2014 07:58:00 121.00 121.00 53.34-64.01 10.00 Fine to Medium Sand Medium Medium 66.14-92.05 26.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 94.49-111.25 16.00 Fine to medium sand Medium Medium All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 54.35-61.96 8.00 66.93-91.01 24.00 95.31-107.35 12.00 Shehorz dost Assistant Engineer View
7 Bareilly Ram Nagar Hardaspur Hardaspur 18-10-2012 04:11:00 113.00 113.00 46.63-50.60 4.00 Medium Sand Medium Medium 56.39-67.36 11.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 70.10-90.53 20.00 Fine to medium sand Medium Medium 91.44-98.15 6.00 fine to medium sand Medium Medium All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 57.53-66.44 9.00 71.11-89.41 18.00 92.36-97.34 5.00 Surjet Singh Assistant Engineer View
8 Bareilly Bhuta Mehtarpur Tej Singh Mehtarpur Tej Singh 06-12-2012 10:01:00 122.00 122.00 34.75-55.17 20.00 Fine to Medium Sand Medium Medium 64.92-76.20 11.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 77.11-88.39 11.00 Fine to medium sand Medium Medium 91.44-114.30 22.00 fine to medium sand Medium Medium 54.51-42.75 11.00 78.03-87.51 9.00 92.36-104.36 12.00 Surjet Singh Assistant Engineer View
9 Bareilly Baheri Girdharpur Girdharpur 15-10-2016 05:12:00 199.00 200.00 90-103 13.00 Fine to Medium Sand Medium Medium 107-117 10.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 140-153 13.00 Fine to medium sand Medium Medium 156-166 10.00 fine to medium sand Medium Medium All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 90.47-102.47 12.00 139.58-151.60 12.00 155.60-164.65 9.00 Shehorz dost Assistant Engineer View
10 Bareilly Damkhoda Jokhanpur Jokhanpur 24-02-2015 11:25:00 142.00 142.00 54.86-70.10 15.00 Fine to Medium Sand Medium Medium 88.39-100.58 12.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 110.34-123.44 13.00 Fine to medium sand Medium Medium All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 56-68.03 12.00 87.59-99.65 12.00 111.72-121.74 10.00 Shehorz dost Assistant Engineer View
11 Bareilly Mirganj Mankara Mankara 14-04-2012 10:26:00 119.00 119.00 53.34-71.63 18.00 Medium Sand Medium Medium 74.68-105.16 30.00 Medium sand Medium Medium 105.16-118.90 13.00 clay Medium Medium All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 54.83-66.73 12.00 79.59-90.43 11.00 93.36-102.35 9.00 Surjet Singh Assistant Engineer View
12 Bareilly Aalampur Jafrabad Naurangpur Naurangpur 113.00 113.00 3.97-47.24 43.00 clay Bad Bad 50.59-65.62 15.00 clay Bad Bad 71.63-79.86 8.00 Medium sand Good Good All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there could be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 50.59-65.52 15.00 70.02-77.98 8.00 91.39-97.35 6.00 Surjet Singh Assistant Engineer View
13 Bareilly Fatehganj West Tiliya Pur Tiliya Pur 10-08-2014 11:16:00 124.00 124.00 50.29-58.22 8.00 60.96-71.93 11.00 79.25-106.07 26.00 All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 51.17-57.21 6.00 62.22-70.94 9.00 81.17-105.24 24.00 Depanshu teotiya Assistant Engineer View
14 Bareilly Bhuta Tiswa Stiswa 90.00 90.00 28.96-55.47 26.00 Fine to Medium Sand Medium Medium 62.28-76.20 14.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 76.20-89.92 13.00 clay Bad Bad It is recommended to have a chemical and bacteriological analysis of the water sample before using it for human consumption or for any other use 43.08-55.02 12.00 64.43-74.03 9.00 Depanshu teotiya Assistant Engineer View
15 Bareilly Bithiri Chainpur Mohenpur Mohenpur 27-09-2014 11:16:00 138.00 137.00 12.19-62.48 50.00 Fine to Medium Sand Medium Medium 66.14-77.42 11.00 Fine to Medium sand Medium Medium 91.44-103.63 12.00 Fine to medium sand Medium Medium 108.20-114.32 6.00 fine to medium sand Medium Medium All Projections and recommendations are subject to the inherent limitations of the technique employed and there colud be variation as the underground conditions are not always amenable to physical interpretations. 42.7-61.41 18.00 67.43-76.46 9.00 109.55-112.55 3.00 Depanshu teotiya Assistant Engineer View
16 Bareilly Baheri Jamsavant Shumali Jamsavant Shumali 02-06-2018 16:00:00 129.00 120.00 32-51 19.00 56-63 7.00 64-85 21.00 94-99 5.00 111-117 6.00 41-50 9.00 57-60 3.00 65-83,95-98,112-115 24.00 AK SAMIR Assistant Engineer View
17 Bareilly Shergarh Madnapur Madnapur 30-05-2018 16:30:00 123.00 107.00 46-57 11.00 60-77 17.00 78-85 7.00 91-102 11.00 110-114 4.00 47-56 9.00 62-76 14.00 79-83,92-101 13.00 AK SAMIR Assistant Engineer View
18 Bareilly Fatehganj West Bagrau Mubarikpur 14-06-2018 16:30:00 129.00 114.00 33-43 10.00 44-47 3.00 48-60 12.00 60-65 5.00 71-90 19.00 94-120 26.00 49-58 9.00 73-88 15.00 98-108 10.00 AK SAMIR Assistant Engineer View
19 Bareilly Fatehganj West Bagrau Rampura 29-06-2018 16:00:00 150.00 137.00 46-51 5.00 64-74 10.00 98-100 2.00 102-106 4.00 115-123 8.00 127-138 11.00 47-50 3.00 70-82 12.00 103-105,116-122,129-133 10.00 AK SAMIR Assistant Engineer View
20 Bareilly Ram Nagar Revati Revati 16-06-2018 16:30:00 166.00 152.00 93-100 7.00 104-111 7.00 117-147 30.00 156-159 3.00 96-99 3.00 105-110 5.00 118-145 27.00 AK SAMIR Assistant Engineer View

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