Status Of NCs & Compliances

TKC Total NCs reported Complainces Submitted By TKCs % Of Compliance Submitted No. of bills processed without compliances
Remarks(Only Critical in few words)
(C )
D = A+B+C
(E )
I = H*100/D
1 Agra Mathura
NCC-APCO JV 4 69 4 77 2 45 1 48 62.34 0
Megha 89 27 2 118 61 14 1 76 64.41 0
NCC-APCO JV 29 17 5 51 18 9 4 31 60.78 0
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 5 177 7 189 5 72 7 84 44.44 0
NCC Ltd. 0 90 1 91 0 73 1 74 81.32 0
NCC Ltd. 13 50 3 66 11 27 3 41 62.12 0
2 Aligarh Aligarh
ION EXCHANGE 11 45 13 69 8 12 8 28 40.58 0 Substandard materials using and poor workmanship
JMC - Lakshmi (JV) 9 69 0 78 6 44 0 50 64.10 0 Material supplied is not as per QAP Workmanship is not proper
PNC-SPML-JV 14 93 7 114 12 56 7 75 65.79 0 Substandard materials used and poor wrkmanship .
BGCCPL-Ramky (JV) 4 33 6 43 0 15 4 19 44.19 0 Quality of materials ( Sand & Bricks ) not as per standard specification
ION EXCHANGE 5 26 1 32 3 21 1 25 78.13 0 Work done without RFI & Reinstatement work not as per specification
ION EXCHANGE 0 4 2 6 0 2 2 4 66.67 0
JMC - Lakshmi (JV) 0 16 8 24 0 10 6 16 66.67 0
Power Mech Projects Ltd 0 65 31 96 0 53 28 81 84.38 0
ION EXCHANGE 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
PNC-SPML-JV 72 138 105 315 12 39 49 100 31.75 0 ATR not submitted timely
3 Ayodhya Barabanki
Gayatri Projects LTD 4 6 0 10 2 1 0 3 30.00 0
Megha 34 37 2 73 3 1 0 4 5.48 0
PNC-SPML-JV 27 29 2 58 15 13 1 29 50.00 0
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 14 12 0 26 5 5 0 10 38.46 0
VSA 10 9 0 19 4 2 0 6 31.58 0
Gayatri Projects LTD 3 3 4 10 1 2 3 6 60.00 0
UNIVERSAL MEP 2 23 9 34 2 20 9 31 91.18 0
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 5 9 6 20 2 2 3 7 35.00 0
VSA 22 25 12 59 3 13 7 23 38.98 0
Ambedkar Nagar
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 31 71 3 105 9 35 2 46 43.81 0
WELSPUN 5 14 0 19 4 8 0 12 63.16 0
Gayatri Projects LTD 0 9 20 29 0 4 10 14 48.28 0
UNIVERSAL MEP 0 11 9 20 0 6 4 10 50.00 0
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 2 84 90 176 1 23 27 51 28.98 0
Gayatri Projects LTD 12 21 21 54 7 8 3 18 33.33 0
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 17 28 23 68 3 17 10 30 44.12 0
WELSPUN 8 11 16 35 4 7 9 20 57.14 0
4 Azamgarh Azamgarh
ECO PROTECTION ENGINEER 136 313 3 452 91 264 0 355 78.54 0 The depth of the trench was found 700 mm at many locations whereas as per IS standard it should be 1 meter+dia of pipe.
GA INFRA - BABA (JV) 337 1157 44 1538 76 303 13 392 25.49 0 1.) Backfilling of trenches after pipe laying is not being done layer-wise which could cause major accidents. 2.)The dia of the reinforcement bar was used 6 mm instead of 8mm in pump house slab beam. 3.)Material testing are not being done as per the norms due to which inadequate materials are used at site and could cause major failure of structure
GAJA - SGIPL (JV) 190 907 20 1117 3 48 5 56 5.01 0 1.) The oversized gravel was used at site for raft foundation. 2.) The spacing of the Shear stirrups were not provided properly In column and Brace Beam.
LC INFRA 1554 5469 243 7266 1209 4138 184 5531 76.12 0 1.) Bricks are not being used as the approved BOQ i.e of 1st class for boundary wall, pump house & staff quarter works. 2.) Construction materials such as cement, sand, aggregate, bricks and shuttering materials were not found of satisfactory quality and standards. 3) Honeycomb was observed in major area of the raft foundation.
SIEPL – BRCCPL (JV) / SKYLARK 143 374 50 567 8 32 1 41 7.23 0 Proper layer wise compaction is not being performed which causes depression on road, resulting accidents
M/s Sudhakara Infratech Pvt. Ltd 1246 3686 88 5020 667 2162 25 2854 56.85 0 1.) Bricks are not being used as the approved BOQ i.e of 1st class for boundary wall, pump house & staff quarter works. 2.)Rusted steel bars were used for slab and OHT work which Is not as per IS specification's.
VIKRAN-VPRPL (JV) 270 530 82 882 161 240 13 414 46.94 0 Curing is not being done properly hence structure is not able to achieve its optimum strength.
GA INFRA-VPL 414 3616 16 4046 221 1482 14 1717 42.44 0 1.)End cap found open due to which insects are entering through the inlet of the pipe, it may cause various diseases in supplied water. 2.)Soil compaction of trenches after pipe laying is not being done layer-wise which could cause major accidents.
KLSR - RAYS (JV) 75 1301 16 1392 56 516 2 574 41.24 0 1.) Open trench was found, after laying HDPE pipe soil back filling was not done it's more than 3days; which may cause accidents. 2.) Dent was found over the screen pipe which may leads to collapse of assembly system.
LC INFRA 690 4348 141 5179 568 1976 106 2650 51.17 0 1.) Severe cracks were observed in the boundary wall due to lack of curing work 2.)Multiple lapping is provided at a single section of the beam/raft which could reduce the strength of structure at those locations.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 379 505 10 894 151 206 2 359 40.16 0 1). The HDPE pipe are stored in open directly under the sun.The harmful UV rays of the sun will affect the quality of the pipe and durability in long run.nearHarpur OHT 2). End cap was not provided to prevent ingress of unwanted materials and Animal, near Bharat Gas agency
GAJA - GAIPL JV 141 948 0 1089 84 543 0 627 57.58 0 1- Compaction not done after backfilling .pipe laying work is completed, trench is backfilled haphazardly without any proper layering , watering and Compaction which is not as per clause no-8.1.2 of Indian Standard 7634:2012 (part-2) 2. Depth of the trench observed is 470mm at the top of the 63mm HDPE Pipe whereas as per DPR the Depth should be at least 1000mm+ of pipe
Eagle Infra- Sudhakara Infra JV 216 540 10 766 155 405 3 563 73.50 0 1). Only old bricks were used in Reinstatement work, whereas per DPR 50% new bricks have to be used in reinstatement of B.O.E Road. (From Node No (j 139 to j 140), 2.) Restoration of road surface with old and new materials not done as per specification.
5 Banda Hamirpur
PNC-SPML-JV 6 4 68 78 2 1 37 40 51.28 0 1.Cube moulds are not cast at the time of POURING concrete it is necessary to do Non Destructive Test (NDT) to know the strength of concrete. 2.Hairline cracks are found at the time of site visit in the boundary wall it should be repaired by grouting at the earliest. 3.Line and level should be maintained of structure as per the approved design and drawing. 4.Curing must be done 3 times a day to pr
JWIL 5 4 86 95 2 2 47 51 53.68 0 1.Finishing not done properly in the over head tank, joints should be properly leveled and finish with smooth surface. 2.Honeycomb should be repaired at the earliest by spray grouting (GP 2 cement) with smooth surface. 3.leakage should be repaired at the earliest and water proofing by epoxy coating should be done to prevent leakage. 4.Curing must be done 3 times a day to prevent cracks in structu
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 6 14 12 32 4 2 0 6 18.75 0 Disinfection process for Pipelines & Water Bearing Structures not done as per specifications
JMC-JWIL (JV) 13 27 24 64 6 5 0 11 17.19 0 1. Road restoration not done as per specification. 2. Work done without RFI. 3. Disinfection not done as per specification for pipe network. 4. Soil compaction not done as per specification. 5. Honeycomb found in structure, recommend for ultra pulse velocity test.
N.K. Gupta & K.B. Gupta Contractors 6 10 8 24 1 1 0 2 8.33 0 Disinfection process for Pipelines & Water Bearing Structures not done as per specifications. Road restoration not done properly. Work done with out RFI
SLC-SMC (JV) 7 15 12 34 2 2 0 4 11.76 0 1. Road restoration not done as per specification. 2. Work done without RFI. 3. Disinfection not done as per specification for pipe network.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 8 8 67 83 0 0 51 51 61.45 0 Disinfection process for pipelines & water bearing structures not done as per specifications. Road restoration not done properly. Work done without RFI. Automation work for OHT not started by agency.
NCC Ltd. 8 12 28 48 0 1 41 42 87.50 0 Road restoration not done properly. Work done without RFI. Automation work for OHT not started by agency.The Guide rail for pump lifting arrangement is not provided for Recirculation pump and Sludge pump
GVPR 25 368 310 703 25 230 310 565 80.37 0 1-Puddle is not provided during casting of filter house wall and bottom slab of back wash tank. 2- Socket position of DI pipe has been fixed in opposite direction.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 40 673 426 1139 40 468 426 934 82.00 0 1. Major honeycomb found in Hinauta mafi pump house wall. 2. Verticality of Column of pump house not found proper below roof beam of height appox 0.5 m
6 Barielly Budaun
NCC Ltd. 2 4 2 8 2 4 2 8 100.00 0 All compliances in respect of all NCs submitted by the agency have been scrutinized and found satisfactory.
PNC-SPML-JV 28 91 43 162 25 70 35 130 80.25 0 Weigh Batcher not used for Design mix Concreting of OHT, RFI for work is not generated timely.
NCC Ltd. 29 53 36 118 29 53 36 118 100.00 0
PNC-SPML-JV 22 30 60 112 22 30 60 112 100.00 0 All compliances in respect of all NCs submitted by the agency have been scrutinized and found satisfactory.
VISHVARAJ 10 16 48 74 10 16 48 74 100.00 0 Contractor has submitted compliances in respect of all NCs. These are examined and found satisfactory.
NCC Ltd. 9 24 20 53 6 15 20 41 77.36 0
7 Basti Siddharth Nagar
JAKSON - VISHVARAJ (JV) 27 135 4 166 5 10 4 19 11.45 0 The Cube has not attained its target strength in 7 and 28 days after testing in lab. It is suggested for NDT test or any other appropriate method.
Megha 41 94 8 143 8 18 15 41 28.67 0 The size of Ground Beam section observed (250 mm X 500 mm) in stead of (300 mm X 500 mm). Honey Combing is observed in the RCC of column & beam. The Cube has not attained its target strength in 28 days after testing in lab. It is suggested for NDT test or any other appropriate method.
VSA 22 60 7 89 3 4 6 13 14.61 0 The RCC column of OHT not found as per specification. The Cube has not attained its target strength in 7 and 28 days after testing in lab. It is suggested for NDT test or any other appropriate method.
JAKSON - VISHVARAJ (JV) 12 49 34 95 3 8 5 16 16.84 0
Megha 88 114 169 371 58 55 75 188 50.67 0
VSA 2 6 16 24 2 6 12 20 83.33 0
Sant Kabeer Nagar
JAKSON - VISHVARAJ (JV) 12 49 32 93 3 8 5 16 17.20 0 Concrete was being compacted using bamboo stick, whereas as per IS 3558/1983 clause 5.1, 60 mm needle required for compaction of concrete in general construction such as walls, columns, beams, precast piles, heavy floors, bridge deck and roof slabs. RFI was not raised before lowering in case of tube well. Rusted steel used in OHT work. Round aggregate used in pump house RCC slab casting & cube not
Megha 11 40 33 84 2 1 9 12 14.29 0 Pond water was used during casting of column in OHT. RFI was not raised before lowering in case of tube well. Compressor machine was demobilized before inspection of well development. Lesser diameter house pipe was used in pump lowering. Reinstatement is not as per specification.
8 Etawah/ Kanpur Farrukhabad
GVPR 5 41 27 73 1 33 23 57 78.08 0 Poor quality brick use ,CC restoration pending & MDPE pipe found over the ground, working without RFI.
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 1 15 10 26 0 9 7 16 61.54 0 restoration pending and MDPE found in open and poor quality solar structure work, Substandard material used.
GVPR 11 15 7 33 10 8 5 23 69.70 0 1. Road restoration work not done as per Specification. 2. Solar Work in progress without submitting Approved Drawing.
VSA 38 60 22 120 25 44 2 71 59.17 0 1. Road Reinstatement not done as per specification and against total dismantling length. 2. Availability of Quality documents during work or after work as required not provided.
Indian Hume Pipe 21 28 14 63 21 28 14 63 100.00 0 All compliance has been provided by the agency. work completed after final inspection of the raised query work checked and found proper.
OMIL-JWIL (JV) 5 3 1 9 0 1 1 2 22.22 0 fixing of cover block was not proper due to which honeycomb occurred in the column during casting. It is suggested to Agency's Engineer InCharge to dismantle the column and cast again. No any information has been given to TPI during and before the casting.
GVPR 41 19 6 66 21 7 1 29 43.94 0
Indian Hume Pipe 11 9 3 23 10 8 3 21 91.30 0
Kanpur Dehat
GVPR 5 6 8 19 2 3 6 11 57.89 0 quality of material not good.
Indian Hume Pipe 9 21 26 56 5 16 22 43 76.79 0 quality of materials not as per standard.
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 4 6 3 13 3 3 3 9 69.23 0 trench depth not as per specification
VSA 7 6 6 19 2 3 3 8 42.11 0 honeycomb found in concrete structure.
Kanpur Nagar
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 2 23 30 55 2 20 27 49 89.09 0
VSA 9 23 11 43 8 22 10 40 93.02 0
9 Gonda Bahraich
GA INFRA-VPL 9 14 8 31 5 12 8 25 80.65 0 HDD Method is not implementing in possible site locations 2. Lack of proper road restoration works. 3. Lack of manpower, physical work progress is very slow. 4. As build drawing not submitted to UPJN office and to TPI also.
PNC-SPML-JV 44 76 18 138 40 72 16 128 92.75 0 1.Partial Water Supply Started without proper disinfection and flushing. 2. Plywood doors and windows have been installed in 55 Gram Panchayats. 3. Piling work is being done without approval of Methodology and initial Plate Load test. 4. As build drawing not submitted to UPJN and TPI also
GA INFRA-VPL 10 14 8 32 7 11 8 26 81.25 0 1. Lack of proper road restoration works. 2. Established quality laboratory, but they don't have sufficient equipment's. 3. HDD Method is not implementing in possible site locations 4. As build drawing not submitted to UPJN and TPI.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 13 18 13 44 11 15 13 39 88.64 0 1) Drinking Water is supplied without performing disinfection of distribution line, hydraulic structure. Many schemes HDPE Pipe distribution line is found open without providing end caps. 2. Site Order Book , Approved drawings are not available at site premise during execution. 3. As build drawing not submitted to UPJN and TPI.
Dara- Eco Protection (JV) 14 25 22 61 11 22 21 54 88.52 0 Plywood doors have been installed in 17 Gram Panchayats. 2) HDD Method is not implementing in possible site locations. 3. Hydrotesting, disinfection, and flushing of the pipeline not done before water supply. 4. As build drawing not submitted to UPJN and TPI.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 13 30 32 75 10 27 30 67 89.33 0 Drinking Water is supplied without performing disinfection of distribution line, hydraulic structure. 2) Pump house finishing work is not proper. 3) Lot of road restoration work is pending from the agency and quality of road restoration is not as per standard. 4. As build drawing not submitted to UPJN and TPI.
KLSR - RAYS (JV) 5 12 8 25 2 7 5 14 56.00 0 1. HDD Method is not implementing in possible site locations 2. Lack of proper road restoration works. 3. FHTC connection installing without Hydro testing. 4. As build drawing not submitted by vendor to UPJN and TPI team.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 15 73 30 118 11 55 25 91 77.12 0 1) Drinking Water is supplied without performing disinfection of distribution line, hydraulic structure . 2) Lot of road restoration work is pending from the agency and quality of road restoration is not as per standard. 3) As build drawing not submitted to UPJN and TPI team.
10 Gorakhpur Maharajganj
JMC - Lakshmi (JV) 477 5878 6 6361 152 3823 3 3978 62.54 486 1.Alignment of column is not adequate. 2.Crack found in Boundary wall. 3.Foundation of Solar panel is found damaged. 4.Column alignment is not done properly. 5.Reinforcement is visible in staircase of OHT. 6. 20mm MDPE pipe found in exposed condition.
Rithwik-Koya (JV) 324 2826 4 3154 84 1529 1 1614 51.17 0 1-Boundary wall plaster work found in damage condition. 2.Crack has been observed on the Boundary wall. 3.OHT 3rd lift column not in alignment. 4. Honeycomb is found in OHT column. 5.Reinforcement is visible staircase of OHT.
NCC Ltd. 886 12603 403 13892 612 9033 356 10001 71.99 2625 1.Crack has been observed in OHT Stair case. 2. Crack has been observed in semicircular drain. 3.Crack has been observed in the OHT slab. 4.Honeycomb has been found in OHT column. 5.Outlet chamber has been damaged condition. 6. Solar panel has been found damaged condition. 7. Crack has been observed in pump house plinth protection. 8. Interlocking road restoration not done.
Rithwik-Koya (JV) 325 4135 62 4522 206 2840 30 3076 68.02 318 1. Undulation has been observed in the pump house chajja slab. 2. Honeycomb has been found in OHT top dome. 3. Honeycomb has been found in column of OHT. 4.Backfilling has not been done properly. 5.Crack found at boundary wall. 6. Rusted steel has been used in the OHT Construction work. 7. Honeycomb has been found in the brace beam of the over head tank. 8. Interlocking road has been found settled
Kushi Nagar
NCC Ltd. 2642 15398 107 18147 2313 14791 99 17203 94.80 621 1. The development length of the extra bar in slab RB3 is not provided as per the drawing. 2.Bottom lapping Bar in RB1 as per drawing Should be L/4 but site inspection found L/2 of Span. 3.Top lapping Bar in RB1 as per drawing Should be L/2 but site inspection found near by the column. 4.The column and Brace beam junction is not proper shape and size. 5.In OHT Column reinforcement found Rusted.
Gayatri Projects LTD 920 5939 20 6879 327 2279 5 2611 37.96 1287 1.-Honeycomb has been observed in conical wall of OHT.2.-Proper finishing has not found.3.-Crack has been observed on the boundary wall.4.-Crack has been observed in coping of boundary wall.
LC INFRA 913 6515 44 7472 454 3799 29 4282 57.31 1928 1.-Honeycomb has been observed in OHT 3rd brace beam.2.-Steel has been observed in OHT 2nd brace column.3.-Crack has been observed in pump house wall.4.-Crack has been observed on the boundary wall.
Rithwik-Koya (JV) 180 1637 11 1828 120 1077 6 1203 65.81 98 1.-Honeycomb has been observed on OHT 2nd brace beam.2.-Honeycomb has been observed on OHT 3rd lift stair.3.-Proper dressing of the earth bed in the foundation has not been done.4.-Pump house plinth protection work pending since a long duration.
UNIVERSAL MEP 149 617 4 770 42 255 1 298 38.70 24 1.-Crack has been observed on the boundary wall.2.-crack has been observed in coping of boundary wall.3.-plaster has been done on DPC of boundary wall.4.-Honeycomb has been observed on lintel beam of chajja of pump house.
11 Jhansi Jalaun
BGCCPL-Ramky (JV) 118 80 32 230 47 27 12 86 37.39 17 Revised drawings are still awaited for approval. Approved drawings are often not available at site of work.
GVPR 40 40 16 96 29 26 12 67 69.79 18 Revised drawings are still awaited for approval. Approved drawings are often not available at site of work.
BGCCPL-Ramky (JV) 51 27 37 115 20 14 16 50 43.48 14 Revised drawings are still awaited for approval. Approved drawings are often not available at site of work.
Indian Hume Pipe 16 7 15 38 10 3 10 23 60.53 10 Revised drawings are still awaited for approval.
NCC Ltd. 103 69 86 258 65 26 41 132 51.16 33 Revised drawings are still awaited for approval. Approved drawings are often not available at site of work.
DARA ENGINEERING 19 8 18 45 11 4 11 26 57.78 8 Revised drawings are still awaited for approval.
Unipro 20 17 16 53 12 10 11 33 62.26 10 Revised drawings are still awaited for approval. Approved drawings are often not available at site of work.
M/s Sudhakara Infratech Pvt. Ltd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 GPL (Terminated): Critical: 67/24, Major: 55/28, Minor: 13/7, Bill Processed w/o compliances : 9 Approved drawings not available at site. Stagging done without staircase. Work done without RFI.
Brija Banco Pvt. Ltd 10 18 12 40 5 8 4 17 42.50 1 Approved drawings not available at site. Stagging done without staircase.
DARA ENGINEERING 45 79 23 147 20 44 5 69 46.94 7 Approved drawings not available at site. Stagging done without staircase.
JMC-JWIL (JV) 48 66 25 139 23 34 14 71 51.08 5 Approved drawings not available at site. Stagging done without staircase.
Banko Ganga 5 10 15 30 3 4 8 15 50.00 1 Approved drawings not available at site. Stagging done without staircase.
12 Lucknow Lakhimpur Kheri
NCC Ltd. 161 1020 786 1967 101 427 640 1168 59.38 0 1- Hydrotest disinfection and flushing of pipe line not done before Supply of water. 2- Road restoration work not done as per original specification. 3- Water tightness test of OHT is not done as per IS specification 10500.
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 112 657 576 1345 75 422 501 998 74.20 0 1-Weigh Batcher not used for Design Mix Concreting of OHT. 2- End Cap of the HDPE pipeline not installed after completion of day work. 3- Electrical hazard safety sign board to be display at site.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 19 134 72 225 16 76 18 110 48.89 0 1. Road Restoration pending of BOE Surface 2.Road Restoration pending of BT Surface 3.Poor quality of workmanship in Masonry work 4.Major vegetation has been grown in OHT campus due to negligence of House keeping
NCC Ltd. 19 176 77 272 19 109 71 199 73.16 0 1. Road Restoration pending of BOE Surface 2.Road Restoration pending of BT Surface 3.Poor quality of workmanship in Masonry work 4.Major vegetation has been grown in OHT campus due to negligence of House keeping
NCC Ltd. 1329 1616 1313 4258 996 1279 1165 3440 80.79 0 1)Major cracks seen on boundary wall. 2)Pea gravel not stacked properly at site. 3)FHTC installed outside the house. 3) Disinfection of pipe not done 4) Lifting appliances, lifting gears and Compressor was not inspected by competent agency 5) Test certificate scaffolding material not submitted.6) Nonstandard scaffolding used at site.7) Non-standard DG used at site.7) Quality issues during OHT work
NCC Ltd. 202 1679 553 2434 88 820 553 1461 60.02 0
Rae Bareli
NCC Ltd. 47 428 78 553 40 408 78 526 95.12 0 Very poor quality of OHT work at GP Dhootamau, Jagatpur. We have many istructions given to cluster incharge of (Jagatpur,Unchahar & Salon) to improve the quality of work , workmanship & implement the safety measures but still there are no improvement.
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 26 114 20 160 19 47 20 86 53.75 0 1. Poor quality of workmanship and materials used on various GP in Project. 2. We observed the erection of scaffolding is very unsafe & improper mannered and using very poor and damage quality of wooden materials such as bamboo, balli, wood Ply and batten in scaffolding which is very risky and high probability for workers fall from height.
13 Meerut Meerut
Power Mech Projects Ltd 3 33 1 37 3 32 1 36 97.30 0 Uneven road restoration, Improper FHTC with MDPE pipe connections and Clamping.
LC INFRA 6 11 4 21 6 5 2 13 61.90 0
LC INFRA 3 3 2 8 2 2 2 6 75.00 0
Gautam Buddha Nagar
LC INFRA 1 8 3 12 0 5 2 7 58.33 0
JMC - Lakshmi (JV) 1 43 1 45 1 21 1 23 51.11 0 The Cement Concrete Road restoration work was carried out by executing agency without laying required thickness CC & GSB, WBMGrIII/WMM layer for sub base and without adequate compaction layer wise of filled up excavated earth in pipeline trench. Further it was noticed that cement concrete was being laid by the agency directly on loose GSB layer. Also vibrator was not also applied to the concern.
Power Mech Projects Ltd 2 10 1 13 2 8 1 11 84.62 0 It was noted that the CC floor of the pump house has badly settled indicating substandard quality of construction.
WELSPUN 1 17 0 18 0 14 0 14 77.78 0 The specified thickness of compacted sand for sand bedding and compacted WBM/WMM/crushed stone layer in base course have not been laid below interlocking concrete paver block roads as per IRC:SP:63- 2018 as evinced in the photographs for light traffic rural roads of above WSS. Also the concrete paver blocks are being laid without adequately compacting filled up earth layer wise in pipeline trench.
LC INFRA 1 8 10 19 1 1 2 4 21.05 0
14 Mirzapur Sant Ravidas Nagar
GA INFRA - BABA (JV) 883 1556 148 2587 173 584 28 785 30.34 186 1. The cement placed in rampur ESR location has completely set. 2. The soil of the foundation of the boundary wall of Rampur ESR has been washed away by rain, due to which the boundary wall can collapse any time. 3. Crack has been found in boundary wall at many places. 4. Boundary wall plumb & alignment is not found properly. 5. Honeycombing has been found in ESR column and beam at many places. 6
WELSPUN 939 1971 144 3054 545 1580 117 2242 73.41 613 1. Washer and lock nut not provided in solar foundation. 2. Crack has been found in pump house wall. 3. The 5th column of ESR has shifted out of alignment by about 25 to 35 mm. 4. Staircase thread & riser size is not found ok. 5. Staircase 1st landing slab size & level not found properly. 6. ESR column & beam plumb and alignment not found ok. 7. ESR work has been stopped for almost 5 months. 8
GVPR 140 1085 39 1264 48 397 11 456 36.08 20 1 - Leakage/seepage found in ESR bottom dome. 2 -The level of the stairs does not seem to be correct, the stairs appear to be tilted to one side.
Megha 700 2538 81 3319 51 489 16 556 16.75 49 Many Leakage/seepage points have been observed in the CWR tank.
NCC Ltd. 385 3184 280 3849 80 1175 126 1381 35.88 62 Depth of HDPE Pipe is 750 MM.
GA INFRA 952 3136 125 4213 68 531 49 648 15.38 25 Use appropriate sealing compounds or repair methods to eliminate leaks.
Multiurban 50 263 10 323 0 11 0 11 3.41 19 The Overhead Tank (OHT) campus has not been properly developed, with visible neglect in landscaping and basic infrastructure.
Ramky baba 378 2030 153 2561 37 181 8 226 8.82 32 1.Electromegnetic flow meter has been installed but not working at common discharge line. 2.Ultrasonic level transmitter has not been installed at intake water sump. 3. PLC panel has been installed but SCADA
GVPR 116 1188 33 1337 63 478 6 547 40.91 26 1. Pipe were not laid as per required Depth and left open. 2. Pipe laid directly on the surface.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 47 1768 60 1875 6 547 18 571 30.45 76 1. Pipe joint is leakage from more than 4 months. 2. Flange is welded with pipe which is not acceptable at any cost.
NCC Ltd. 97 1643 21 1761 19 1080 12 1111 63.09 20 1.Waste slab thickness not found as per drawing specifications. 2. Rise and trade not found as per drawing specifications.
Jain Const. 9 176 14 199 8 170 15 193 96.98 18 -
VPRPL 156 2972 99 3227 20 1530 27 1577 48.87 81 After completion of pipe laying work BT road dismantled but it has not been restored.
15 Moradabad Bijnor
LC INFRA 4 3 4 11 3 2 4 9 81.82 0 all issues rectified
Vindhya-GAJA (JV) 234 6 19 259 104 4 7 115 44.40 0 1.Steel spacing, Cover not provided 2.Concrete mix not as per approved design 3.No Proper Road Restoration 4.Stirrups not found as per approved drawing 5.Materials Quality not found as per standard specifications 6.Honeycomb was found in concrete 7.Major cracks developed in structure 8.3rd class type bricks used in construction 9.Unapproved Materials used 10. Trench depth not found as per approve
LC INFRA 40 20 120 180 32 17 108 157 87.22 0 Cube Test Not Conduct Properly 07 days & 28 days , Approved Drawing Not Avaliable at site , Majorcracks seen on Boundary wall , PPE Kit Not avaliable at site & Saftey Negligence during dome casting.
NKG-PRIMUS (JV) 33 27 92 152 26 22 76 124 81.58 0 Staging Done Without Staircase , Brick Quality is not good & Saftey negligence during dome casting.
LC INFRA 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 Brick Quality is not good 2.Poor workmanship3.Caution Tape not used 4.Safety belt not used 5.PPE kit not used.
NKG-PRIMUS (JV) 3 13 10 26 0 5 2 7 26.92 0 Quality of material not as per specification2-.Staging done without stair case construction. Safety norms not followed.
OMIL-JWIL (JV) 5 15 7 27 2 10 6 18 66.67 0 RFI was not raised. 2.Quality of material not as per specification.3.Safety norms not followed, approved drawing not at site.
SPML Infra 6 22 19 47 1 6 10 17 36.17 0 RFI was Not raised.2.Staging done without stair case 3Road restoration not done properly 4.Safety belt not used 5.PPE kit not used.6.Safety net not used.
LC INFRA 2 1 2 5 2 1 2 5 100.00 0 1) Poor Quality of Road Restoration 2) Poor Quality of Materials used for Pump House Construction 4) Poor Quality of FHTC work
OMIL-JWIL (JV) 45 74 21 140 40 61 18 119 85.00 0 1) Poor Quality of Road Restoration 2) Corrosive steel is being used for OHT Construction 3) Poor Quality of Materials used for OHT Construction 4) PPE kit not available at site. 5) RFI was Not raised and Technical staff not present at site 6) Poor Quality of Materials like sand and aggregate are being used for Construction of OHT
SPML Infra 50 75 27 152 43 68 25 136 89.47 0 1) Poor Quality of Road Restoration 2) Corrosive steel is being used for OHT Construction 3) Poor Quality of Materials used for OHT Construction 4) PPE kit not available at site. 5) RFI was Not raised and Technical staff not present at site 6) Poor Quality of Materials like sand and aggregate are being used for Construction of OHT
LC INFRA 1 9 0 10 1 3 0 4 40.00 0 20mm MDPE pipe find in exposed condition 2. Honeycomb found in structure It is suggested for NDT test or any other appropriate method. 3.The depth of the trench was found 600 mm at many locations whereas as per IS standard it should be 1 meter+dia of pipe.
NKG-PRIMUS (JV) 8 26 38 72 2 12 38 52 72.22 0 1. The depth of the trench was found 700 mm at many locations 2.Quality of Bricks is very poor for Boundary Wall works 3. Road restoration not done as per specification.
SPML Infra 6 44 34 84 3 28 30 61 72.62 0 1. FHTC Connection are not Installed as per specifications 2. Poor Quality of Material 3.The depth of the trench was found 700 mm at many locations whereas as per IS standard . 3. Road restoration not done as per specification
16 Prayagraj Fatehpur
GA INFRA - BABA (JV) 120 760 10 890 14 140 1 155 17.42 0 1. Poor quality work has been done for the construction of Apron of pump house.
Gayatri Projects LTD 283 6440 270 6993 47 1647 59 1753 25.07 0 Substandard bricks have been used for the construction of Drain at campus site, Shuttering of container wall was not found in vertical alignment
Power Mech Projects Ltd 658 4663 147 5468 114 980 21 1115 20.39 0 1. As per IS Code- 456:2000, the result of cube samples of 28 days were found to be unsatisfactory. TKC is instructed to do the needful to ascertain the quality of Over Head Tank, so that quality of the same can be maintained. 2. As per IS Code- 456:2000, the result of cube samples of 28 days were found to be unsatisfactory. TKC is instructed to do the needful to ascertain the quality of Over Head
JMC - Lakshmi (JV) 651 3421 160 4232 346 2986 149 3481 82.25 0 Substandard bricks have been used for the construction of Drain at campus site, Shuttering of container wall was not found in vertical alignment
Power Mech Projects Ltd 1158 2889 30 4077 445 1253 6 1704 41.80 0 coping was found cracked and separated from the wall due to poor workmanship, Various cracks have been found in the wall.
GA INFRA - BABA (JV) 589 3689 262 4540 170 1931 178 2279 50.20 0 Soil Compaction after back filling has not been done Properly at site.
JMC - Lakshmi (JV) 443 2623 167 3233 148 1494 116 1758 54.38 0 Crack has been observed on the boundary wall.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 1949 12493 380 14822 1112 10844 346 12302 83.00 0 A panel of boundary wall has been found broken.
VPRPL 225 402 3 630 173 334 3 510 80.95 0 Admixture is not being used during casting.
GAJA - GAIPL JV 410 429 2 841 233 226 1 460 54.70 0 DI pipe crossing the Calvert without any encasing pipe.
17 Saharanpur Saharanpur
GA INFRA - BABA (JV) 57 191 4 252 23 88 3 114 45.24 0 Poor Quality work OHT 3rd brace beam & column not plumb. Without complete staircase work & plumb of brace beam Inappropriate size of staircase Poor Quality work OHT column found honeycomb
Gayatri Projects LTD 6 61 10 77 0 9 7 16 20.78 0 Poor quality construction work pump house. CC road reinstatement poor workmanship.
NKG-PRIMUS (JV) 9 103 6 118 5 69 4 78 66.10 0 OHT column to 3rd brace not plumb Honeycombing & cracks develop in staircase Poor functional house hold tap connection Cracks developed in boundary wall
Gayatri Projects LTD 2 4 0 6 1 0 0 1 16.67 0 Poor construction of Boundary Wall
JMC - Lakshmi (JV) 132 101 15 248 44 19 0 63 25.40 0 Road Restoration not proper, Work done without RFI, Quality not as per standards.
NKG-PRIMUS (JV) 58 22 4 84 14 1 0 15 17.86 0 Work done without RFI. Quality of material not as per standard specification
Gayatri Projects LTD 2 3 2 7 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 1.staircase is not being casted simultaneously along with staging. 2. water supply has been functional without chlorination
JMC - Lakshmi (JV) 47 57 9 113 17 12 6 35 30.97 0 1. Reinforcement not found as per drawing in OHT column Construction work 2. Staging done without stair case 3.chlorination systems have not been installed and Non-Chlorinating water is being supplied directly to the households which may cause health disease. 4.sounding of bore found 150m only and also the lowering was required 159m as per logging chart
18 Varanasi Jaunpur
AFCONS 2291 4483 116 6890 1973 3890 104 5967 86.60 270 Honeycomb found in columns of OHT and Crack observed in Boundary wall, Har ghar Jal certification slow
WELSPUN 1684 5050 153 6887 1572 4381 138 6091 88.44 201 "1-Cracks observed in Boundary wall. 2-Ganga sand used at site. 3-Joints of brickwork are not filled properly 4-Width of trench found 230mm which is not as per IS code 4984:2016.It should be 600+ dia of pipe as per DPR. 5-Mortar used for the Brick work was not as per DPR and specifications. 6-Curing of the brick work was not properly done.It may result in low hydration of cement and reduce the bo
HFCL- JWIL (JV) 1435 2881 92 4408 1163 2171 80 3414 77.45 0 "1-Width of the trench observed is 200mm at the top of the trench whereas as per DPR the width should be at least 600mm+ of pipe. 2-Quality of sand, 10mm, 20mm Aggregate not satisfactory 3- 75mm HDPE Pipe found laid in damage condition. 4-Depth of the trench is found 600mm at the top of the 63mm HDPE Pipe , whereas as per DPR the Depth should be at least 1000mm+ Dia of pipe. 5-MDPE pipe (20mm) f
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 2763 5035 241 8039 1264 1757 58 3079 38.30 169 "1-The DPC layer of boundary wall is damaged 2- Honeycombing is found on the coping of the boundary wall 3- Honeycombing is found on the roof of the pump house."
VSA 3007 4826 64 7897 1392 1242 13 2647 33.52 140 "1-Rusted steel used in ground beam work 2-Honeycombing is found in the Ring/Tie beam , Columns of the OHT. 3-Rusted bars are using in the construction of OHT foundation. 4-Cracks are found in the slab of the pump house. 5-Cracks are found in the boundary wall."
GA INFRA - BABA (JV) 235 3165 52 3452 148 2115 12 2275 65.90 184 "1-Hand concrete mixer is being used for concrete mixing instead of weightbatch concrete mixer. 2-Dirty water used for mixing of concreting, which is against clause 4.6 of IS;2250 3-Honeycomb observed in Pump house ( Chajja) 4-Rusted reinforcement use in pump house slab 5-100 percent old brick used for BOE road restoration work as per DPR it should be 50 percent old and 50 percent new brick for re
HFCL- JWIL (JV) 121 1137 21 1279 56 904 13 973 76.08 0 "1-Hand concrete mixer used for concrete mixing Instead of PLC based weighbatch concrete mixer. 2-Depth found 800mm found for 63mm dia HDPE Pipe laying as per DPR it should be 1000mm+Dia 3-Second class bricks are available at site , whereas per the DPR 1st class bricks should be used. 4-Curing of concrete of boundary wall coping casting work not done after de-shuttering . 5-MDPE pipe found above
ION EXCHANGE 598 5083 76 5757 403 3231 42 3676 63.85 211 "1-10mm,20mm aggregate found failed during sieve analasys test 2-Depth of 140mm dia HDPE Pipe found 570mm whereas as per the DPR ,pipe should be laid at least 1.0m+Dia 3-100 percent old brick used for BOE road restoration work as per DPR it should be 50 percent old and 50 percent new Brick should be used for restoration work 4-Hand concrete mixer used for concrete mixing Instead of PLC based weig
VSA 10102 5962 255 16319 779 4136 204 5119 31.37 307 "1-Grouting of GI pipe not done 2-MDPE pipe found above GL level ( open condition) 3-100 percent old brick use for BOE road restoration work, As per DPR it should be 50 percent old and 50 percent new brick for BOE road restoration work 4-Depth of 63mm dia HDPE Pipe found 700mm, whereas as per the DPR depth should be 1m+dia 5-Reinstatement not done from last one month. Restoration work is being pe
East India Udhyog- Kaveri JV 8 256 1 265 3 97 2 102 38.49 0 LAYING OF HDPE PIPE IS NOT DONE PROPERLY AT SOME PLACES DEPTH IS FOUND 600 -700MM
Larsen & Toubro Ltd 3142 22055 976 26173 2248 16053 685 18986 72.54 650 "1-Cracks observed in Boundary wall. 2-Ganga sand used at site. 3-Joints of brickwork are not filled properly 4-Width of trench found 230mm which is not as per IS code 4984:2016.It should be 600+ dia of pipe as per DPR. 5-Mortar used for the Brick work was not as per DPR and specifications. 6-Curing of the brick work was not properly done.It may result in low hydration of cement and reduce the bo