Jal Jeevan Mission-Agency Dashboard

Heirarchy Details
Assign District:
Assign Scheme :
Assign Villages :
Physical Progress
Households :
FHTC(%) :
Total HGJ :
Total Cirtified :
HO Villages :
Incoming Complaints Received
All Complaints :
Close Complaints :
Pending Complaints :
Feedback from Gram Pradhan On Call
All Complaints :
Close Complaints :
Pending Complaints :
Estimated Cost and Expenditure Detaile(In Lacs)
Estimated Cost :
Expenditure :
Expenditure(%) :
Agency Progress Details
Sr.No. District No Of Scheme No Of Village households FHTC FHTC % Har Gar Gal Certified
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Components Wise Physical Progress
Sr.No. Components Taget Achivement %
1 2 3 4 5